Sunday, May 31, 2020
App College Essay Topics - Understands the Guide
<h1>App College Essay Topics - Understands the Guide</h1><p>College App Essay Topics is significant subjects that ought to be thought of. On the off chance that you want to undermine school, at that point you should prepare your fingers since all subjects of this sort ought to be given most extreme significance. The correct sort of points ought to be picked for the best possible substance and consequently school articles ought to be set up with profundity, immediacy and authority.</p><p></p><p>What you have to do is pick subjects which won't just assistance you in your vocation and yet you are permitted to communicate your thoughts in the most immediate and brief way. There are numerous ways that you can utilize to ensure that your school expositions are amazing. The initial step is picking a subject which isn't expansive and widely inclusive. There are numerous subjects which spread various themes in the past section. A few themes are consis tently more extensive than others.</p><p></p><p>Another significant part of App Essay Topics is picking a subject which has something to do with the investigation of individuals. Application Essay Topics are significant on the grounds that this theme is extremely straightforward yet it will show the understudy how to address explicit inquiries managing his background. There are heaps of subjects which are not exceptionally convoluted, yet they should be deliberately thought out.</p><p></p><p>The understudy should cautiously choose the point which won't just assistance him to adapt yet additionally assist him with understanding the ideas and the way of thinking. There are not very many themes that will really fill in as a course reading. In any case, there are a few subjects which will open numerous roads for the understudy to interface and utilize different assets which he finds valuable. A decent understudy will attempt to choose the best subject for his specific needs.</p><p></p><p>It is significant for understudies to comprehend the explanation for App College Essay Topics and what it is about. As an understudy you have to realize that you are not required to utilize the points for your appropriate exposition yet rather it is something you can include to it. You can just compose the substance and take as much time as is needed to give your understudies the data they need.</p><p></p><p>In school paper points, you will locate a couple of scholastic reading material however you won't locate a total image of every one of these subjects and your understudy should be outfitted with a specific foundation information. At long last, school papers will be the manner by which the understudy will draw out the importance of the considerable number of ideas. These school articles can be extremely important and powerful.</p><p></p><p>App School Essay Top ics is exceptionally valuable for each understudy, since it is something which can assist you with explaining your reasoning and improve your degree of information about your school work. Numerous understudies have exploited the App Essay points to empower them to exceed expectations in their investigations. It can fill in as a substitute method of managing the issue of picking a decent point for their school essays.</p>
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Personal Essay Samples Management
<h1>Personal Essay Samples Management</h1><p>Personal paper tests the executives is a great activity for an understudy. This is on the grounds that it includes the composition of a paper that can be either for a college, for class or for a paper. The paper ought to be composed by the rules that a specific college or paper has set. One ought to always remember that composing an exposition isn't something that should be possible at the leisure.</p><p></p><p>Personal article tests the executives includes arranging, revamping and editing of the papers. There are numerous things that one needs to do before beginning composition. One needs to ensure that the exposition is composed. This will guarantee that all the data that one needs to remember for the paper is incorporated appropriately. It is imperative to ensure that the understudies don't commit the errors that will risk the credit that one will get if the exposition is acknowledged by the rea der.</p><p></p><p>Essays are utilized for some reasons. Truth be told, understudies will as a rule compose their own articles to get their classes' evaluations up, so they can likewise score well on tests. Composing an exposition isn't a simple errand. One should think about all the rules so as to guarantee that the paper won't be dismissed and will really go through.</p><p></p><p>To start with the creative cycle, the understudy should design out the exposition previously. This should be possible with the assistance of a pre-composed exposition and a pen and paper. This will guarantee that the exposition won't look awful. On occasion, an understudy will compose an article, which depends on a subject that the individual isn't comfortable with.</p><p></p><p>The understudy ought to set up their theory just as their future vocation. Prior to beginning to compose, one needs to ensure that every one of these things ar e readied. A few understudies may decide to utilize an online proofreader, yet this isn't generally recommended.</p><p></p><p>Writing must beginning without any preparation. This implies all the data that has been composed should be incorporated. In the wake of composing and altering the article, the author needs to investigate their paper and alter it to improve it.</p><p></p><p>Writing an exposition for individual exposition test's administration must be finished with care. In the event that one doesn't deal with their own work, at that point it can bring about getting the task dismissed. All the composing must be finished at any rate fourteen days before it is expected to be sent. The writer needs to guarantee that all the data that the person in question composes is exact and that it won't be rejected.</p>
Friday, May 22, 2020
Outrageous Good History Research Paper Topics Tips
<h1> Outrageous Good History Research Paper Topics Tips</h1> <h2> Top Good History Research Paper Topics Choices</h2> <p>There is an expansive assortment of data sources out there for understudies so you don't have to battle to attempt to discover them. For certain understudies, a decision of theme is the least demanding part. In the first place, you'll have to focus on your school or school class' subject. There is a serious phenomenal explanation old Egypt is a subject that is continually a part of the history educational plan and prospectus. </p> <p>Needless to state, settling on the reasonable subject for your examination paper is the absolute first and most imperative advance on the most ideal approach to composing the paper itself. The significant principle for your subject is to be concrete and empower the perusers comprehend what you're probably going to expound on. An extraordinary thought when endeavoring to consider a fabulous rese arch paper theme is to get a meeting to generate new ideas, and record the entirety of your potential thoughts. Regardless of whether a specific research paper subject is getting bunches of buzz right now or others appear to be keen on expounding on it, don't feel enticed to make it your point in the event that you don't truly have an enthusiasm for it too. </p> <p>Regardless of what type you might want Business Studies, Microeconomics, Business Management and Financial Accounting, we're here to serve your necessities. The whole research ought to be developed around or from this issue. Innovation is possibly the most renowned subject to talk about today. </p> <p>If you need the subject of your history paper, you will savor the experience of doing research for it. To compose a remarkable paper, you ought to altogether choose your point. Not all examination paper themes are made equivalent, and you might want to promise you pick a fabulous subject before you begin composing. Choosing the correct article theme can on occasion be somewhat hard. </p> <h2>A Startling Fact about Good History Research Paper Topics Uncovered </h2> <p>If you ought to compose just a solitary paper at the finish of the period, you can inhale out since you are honored. A paper is constantly less difficult to compose in case you're keen regarding the matter, and you will be progressively propelled to do top to bottom research and create a paper that genuinely covers the full subject. Maybe you despite everything must see progressively about the best approach to form a history paper. It is an incomprehensible undertaking to make a generally excellent history paper on the off chance that you expound on something you discover exhausting and couldn't care less about in any capacity. </p> <h2> Where to Find Good History Research Paper Topics </h2> <p>Who realized article composing might be so intense. Composing an examination paper on a particular point is very not quite the same as a standard article. So for the individuals who have a paper allocated that you need support with, you can buy article online modest from us. You can without much of a stretch purchase one of a kind school papers and don't disregard to enlighten loved ones concerning it. </p> <p>Whether you've encountered a temporarily uncooperative mind and can't make up an eye-infectious point for your task or only need to gain a thought regarding what a brilliant research paper theme should seem as though, we'll give you a hand and assist you with picking the most reasonable subject to expound on in your paper. Finding a strong theme is only one of the most huge advances when composing any kind of paper. To move toward the paper with at any rate tension, you should choose a subject that you're feeling great expounding on, and one which you're certain you can get a handle on the suitable grant on. Picking one of our proposed subjects will permit you to begin composing a flourishing exploration paper.</p> <p>Writing an examination paper requires a great deal of time, subsequently it is pivotal to settle on an examination paper point which you will truly get a kick out of working with. Attendant experts have one of the snappiest developing professions in the country, and we have the entirety of the information you need to comprehend about what things to foresee from nurture specialist school. Logical archives give off an impression of being a very dull endeavor. Expert and scholastic diaries are likewise a phenomenal spot to go over materials for a scrutinize paper. </p> <p>History is a subject that is in every case firmly on the idea of existence. History papers can have some time to compose. Research papers are attempting, yet likewise they have the capacity to be to some degree fulfilling. World History Research Papers include an astonishing amount of data. </p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Concept of research methodology - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1672 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION This section will explain the concept of research methodology, including an outline on the main methodological approaches and philosophies that exist; following this, the research strategies that will serve to address the objectives of this research topic will be explained. According to Saunders et al. (2009), three characteristics exist for carrying out research: Systematic collection of data. Systematic interpretation of data. A clear reason for investigation exists. Therefore, individuals generally undertake research because they want discover new things in a systematic manner, and hence expand their knowledge about a particular subject. Research in the business and management field is crucial as it serves to provide solutions to problems that exist in businesses. There are particular qualities that are required for carrying out good research including good communication, intellectual, organizational and IT skills. The researcher may already have these skills, or may need to develop them over the course of the research (Collins and Hussey, 2003). Research methodology is the process used to provide solutions to research problems in a systematic manner (Kumar, 2008). It is multidimensional and is the rationality behind the research methods chosen for the investigation. Research methodology provides the platform for the researcher to explain and evaluate the research strategies implemented. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Concept of research methodology" essay for you Create order APPROACHES TO METHODOLOGY One can choose to take either a deductive or an inductive approach to undertaking research, both of which would influence the manner information and results are collected and distributed. The deductive approach to research involves developing a theory based on knowledge and understanding which is already in place, therefore is scrutinised and faces the risk of being unaccepted. Whereas the inductive approach begins with data collection followed by analysis of results and forming conclusions and theories based on the results (Saunder et al, 2009). In this kind of research approach, the flow of processes begins with observation and ends with findings and forming theories, which can be further integrated into knowledge that already exists. From this, it is planned that this current research will undertake an inductive approach, which will first involve data gathering, and following analysis, form conclusions as to how to enhance the management of information systems in NHS hospitals. In research methodology, research can be undertaken over two different time periods, using a cross-sectional or longitudinal method for data collection. Cross-sectional relates to research carried out and is based on the current time and place. Longitudinal, on the other hand, concerns research carried out over a certain long period of time (Kumar, 2008). Judging from the topic area and the time constraints, this research will adopt a cross-sectional style. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHIES According to Saunders et al. (2009), there are three main categories of research philosophies, which are positivism, interperpretivism and realism: * Positivism this assumes that knowledge has a free value and is directly gained from experience. An important aspect of this viewpoint is that research is carried out in an independent and objective manner away from any kind of influences, and is based on quantitative data from the utilisation of a structured methodology. * Interpretivism this adopts a naturalist approach which places emphasisim on social constructionism and focuses on the underlying multiple social structures of knowledge. It is concerned with the attitudes of research subjects and views on the world. This type of philosophy supports the adoption of certain research techniques such as observation and interviews which in turn would enable to gain knowledge from different perspectives. * Realism this is similar to the positivist theory, as it also adopts a s cientific approach to the concept of knowledge development. It argues that a reality exists independent of the human mind, and that there are certain social forces that influence their behaviours and interpretations; therefore the intention of such approach is to be aware and understand these social forces. Collis and Hussey (2003) state that the choice of research philosophy to adopt largely depends on the nature of the research, therefore there is no lsquo;correct strategy. Having defined the three main philosophies, it is clear that one would be able to incorporate the three of them into one research strategy. However, the philosophy that will be adopted for this research is the realist approach, which is essentially a combination of the positivism and interpretivism philosophies. This would involve the collection, interpretation and analysis of data, and establishing any social processes that might influence the behavior and actions of individuals. RESEARCH STRATEGIES In order to address the objectives of the research topic, one has to implement certain research strategies that will enable the collection of the necessary data. Numerous research strategies are available including experiment, case study, survey, grounded theory, action research, ethnography and archival research (Saunders et al., 2009). The choice of the research strategy must take into consideration certain important aspects about the research topic, including the research questions and objectives, existing knowledge about the topic, the amount of time available and also the availability of other useful sources (Saunders et al., 2009). PRIMARY RESEARCH This involves the use of different techniques to collect current information. This is an important way to gain an insight into the research topic and it enables the addition of certain information and ideas to the available literature surrounding the topic. This is done using a variety of methods, as illustrated below: SECONDARY RESEARCH This involves collecting relevant information relating to information systems in the NHS, including details about their roles, impacts and management, with particular reference to the London Ambulance Computer Aided Dispatch system. This requires the review and examination of a number of materials including journals, books, the internet and newspapers. The researcher will undertake both primary and secondary research to thoroughly investigate the research topic. For primary research, the case study strategy will be chosen as the research strategy for this study, which is explained in more detail as follows. CASE STUDY STRATEGY Given the nature of the research topic, a case study has been chosen as the research strategy to be implemented in this research. According to Robson (2002), a case study enables the researcher to focus on a specific situation and explore a single phenomenon, by collection of data using a variety of methods. This research strategy has the ability to provide answers for the lsquo;why?, lsquo;what and lsquo;how? questions (Saunders et al, 2009), and it will enable the researcher to gain a thorough understanding of the chosen topic area. RESEARCH METHODS For the purpose of this research topic, both qualitative and quantitiative measures will be used for collection and analysis of data. The research methods chosen will be in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires are an effective technique of collecting data in which individuals are asked to answer a pre-set list of questions in a specified order (Creswell, 1994). The questionnaire will be structured, predetermined and standardised; it will contain a mixture of closed and open-ended questions that will serve to address the research objectives. An advantage of using such research method is that it enables access to a great number of people over a large area. Furthermore, a questionnaire is a reliable research method as the questions are structured and predetermined, which means that they cannot be altered and consequently minimizing bias. However, at the same time, this structured approach will also mean that respondents are unable to answer freely and expand on th eir responses. Additionally, there is the potential of a threat to validity as respondents may not understand the question clearly and therefore give an answer to a question which is not intended by the researcher. Still, however, it is important to ensure that the questionnaire is well-constructed and easy to follow; because one needs to ensure a good response rate from the sampled population which is essential for gaining accurate information that would be helpful for the research. The second research method that will be used is a semi-structured interview. This will be carried out face to face with certain staff members working for the NHS, such as hospital managers and paramedics. The aim of the semi-structured interviews is to provide more focus on the research topic by gaining reliable information from key staff members who are familiar with the topic area, and hence generate valuable information for the research. The semi-structured approach to questioning will enable the researcher to alter the style of questions appropriately depending on the individual being interviewed. Therefore, interviews provide greater flexibility compared to questionnaires, and are a relatively better tool in ensuring higher response rates. Nevertheless, both of the research methods when combined will enable the researcher to explore the complexity and gain valuable insight into the research area. For the purposes of this research, a specific sampling method will be utilised, in which the researcher will select key people to include in the research study provided that those chosen can offer relevant information related to the topic; a technique called lsquo;purposive sampling (Saunders et al., 2009). The sample will be selected from three Northwest NHS Foundation Trusts, including St. Marys hospital, Chelsea and Westminister hospital and Hammersmith hospital. The key staff who will be included are hospital managers, paramedics, doctors and nurses. The researcher will aim for a combined sample size of 70 individuals based on questionnaires and interviews. ETHICAL ISSUES The main ethical considerations that must be acknowledged by the researcher when conducting the methods for data collection are centered on the periods of gaining access to the hospitals and interviewing the staff. The researcher will need to respect certain ethical values such as the anonymity, confidentiality and personal privacy of the person being interviewed when collecting information during interviews. Moreover, the researcher must obviously gain an informed consent from every person prior to starting the interview or handing over the questionnaire. SUMMARY In summary, this research of management of information systems in the NHS will assume an inductive and realist approach, to be implemented in a cross-sectional method, using a case study strategy employing both semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. In addition, secondary research will be undertaken in order assist in addressing the research objectives.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The One Thing to Do for Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing
<h1> The One Thing to Do for Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing </h1> <h2>Things You Should Know About Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing </h2> <p>Clicking on it will allow you to pick the layout you just made. You'll see that a menu of Master Slides on the left has a few types of layouts for you to pick from. </p> <p>The end paper might be represented. First you'll have to buy Elementor Pro module. You may call us at 1800-993-0992 in the occasion you are having any extra issue or inquiry. This rest of the report will be dependent upon utilizing this technique. </p> <p>Including the image in the structure is a superb alternative on the off chance that you have to keep the shape and its information compact. Your structure could have much more sorts of slides dependent on the requests of the plan brief. It's a component that ought to be a major thought when structuring pictures for a book. Likewise insofa r as the first picture you transfer is in the proper extent and the better goals there isn't going than be an issue. </p> <h2>The Battle Over Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing and How to Win It </h2> <p>It includes making a modified assortment in order to store our things for utilize later. There are an assortment of foundations to choose from and a lot of content styles. Simply peruse through our arrangement of free and printable worksheets and you're ensured to discover one which is incredible for your child or girl. Com a particular asset for individuals needing to make and use math worksheets. </p> <p>Base XML Required The absolute first thing that we need to do is add some XML to our document in order to build up a unique menu. On the off chance that you wish to have more information on the XML position, we prescribe to go to this Wikipedia page. Include a solitary FORMAT organized article per symbol position you need to make. Take your current PB and plug it in the arrangement. </p> <h2>Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing - What Is It? </h2> <p>The most straightforward approach in the first place your redid page is by replicating the present page format given by your topic. You should search for a format that is tantamount to your thought process for your page design. You may now begin altering the format to facilitate with your necessities. It is conceivable to now keep altering your redid page format record. </p> <p>Pick the size you might want your format to be. On the off chance that you indicate overlay decisions, a layout may likewise contain content areas. Starting there, make a layout. In the Elementor developer interface, click the organizer symbol next to the spare catch and select Save format'. </p> <h2>Ruthless Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing Strategies Exploited </h2> <p>Anybody keen on improving their story composing abilities may profit by such worksheets. It is an unfathomable apparatus for anyone trying to introduce their kids' composing aptitudes a lift! Connect with our plan gathering and we're going to let you get that spectacular thought up on your divider. It's similarly just as you were getting help from an outsider to fix your PC, or pay a coach to build your composing aptitudes. </p> <p>It must be instructive yet not very long to keep up the menu appearance. You may handily join this accurate circle in posts or a redid post type. In like manner, you can transfer your business logo straightforwardly through our site. You can make page turns astounding and charming. </p> <p>A story board is a great spot to start since you outwardly get the tremendous picture. When understudies produce a response to one of the previously mentioned inquiries for their picked photo, they will compose from the perspective on one of the individuals who live in the photo. Try not to be stressed over missteps or whether the story is perfect. When it is envisioned, the author makes the story. </p> <h2> The Unexpected Truth About Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing </h2> <p>You can be certain that you'll get precisely what you might want. Montage formats are regularly made in a greater size in case you're going to utilize an immense number of photographs. </p> <p>Some pages probably won't have pictures appended and we don't should circle through void results. In the event that you alter heaps of photographs and find that you regularly need to do exactly the same kind of alters to them, you may wish to make photograph formats. Photographs utilizing a lot of clean space will assist with making your content stick out. Assemble a variety of fascinating photographs so you have an alternate photograph for every little gathering of four to five in your group. </p> <h2> Whatever They Told You About Custom Picture with Your Own Picture and Writing Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why</h2> <p>Just like with any exposition you've at any point composed, the absolute initial phase in orchestrating a photograph article is to choose a theme. Regularly a current photograph is contained in the eulogy. Remember that image book position is just a single little piece of a fruitful kids' book accommodation. The image should work with yo ur content for all-around advance. </p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
College Essay Writing Help - How to Do it Without Getting Embarrassed
<h1>College Essay Writing Help - How to Do it Without Getting Embarrassed</h1><p>A little assistance with school exposition composing resembles a hero to understudies, who regularly experience a touch of trouble when composing. It's anything but difficult to get disheartened, yet there are a few school paper composing help tips that can make composing a lot simpler for you.</p><p></p><p>When getting ready for your school exposition, attempt to be as readied as could be expected under the circumstances. It doesn't make a difference if it's a short, one-page exposition or a multi-page venture. Simply ensure you recognize what addresses you have to reply and how to best answer them.</p><p></p><p>Aside from great composing aptitudes, the other significant bit of school paper composing help is tolerance. School expositions are ordinarily long, particularly on the off chance that they are required for a test. You'll be utili zing the time between assignments shrewdly, so prepare and be patient.</p><p></p><p>The most significant piece of composing an exposition is utilizing the entirety of the assets available to you. That implies having the option to utilize the Internet to inquire about subjects and to accumulate realities. Exploit the paper composing help that exists on the Internet. There are numerous articles accessible that can give you tips and clues to help make your paper as point by point as possible.</p><p></p><p>Along with the entirety of the composing assist you'll with finding on the web, make certain to watch out for tips on the most proficient method to change your exposition until it is great. Regardless of whether you've just composed your article it despite everything needs tweaking or you are simply starting, there are numerous incredible tips accessible for apprentices. Numerous editors likewise distribute papers that they have altered for you in their ezines.</p><p></p><p>And, obviously, nothing says you need to rework your exposition each time it's overhauled. When you get your sentence structure and key focuses down, you can essentially modify it varying. It's everything about discovering approaches to amend a paper and keeping it new and new. You don't need to rework it each time it gets revised.</p><p></p><p>For help with school exposition composing, remember that your school's rules will fluctuate. A few schools may have certain necessities and some may require full confirmation. Discover what the guidelines are for your specific school before you start writing.</p><p></p><p>Essays are hard, however it doesn't need to be that way. In the event that you follow the tips that are given to you, you'll have the option to pro the school paper composing test decisively. Your school article will be loaded with the data that you have to overcome college.</p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Of Mice and Men Discrimination Essay - 923 Words
Discrimination if often based on many qualities and abilities. Some of the most clearly shown examples in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men are gender, age and racial discrimination. The victims of these types of discrimination are Curley’s wife, who is unhappy and bitter about her life, Candy, the old, disabled swamper and Crooks, the black stable buck. Throughout the novel, these three characters face many hardships because they are harshly judged and often misunderstood. Curley’s wife is probably one of the most misunderstood characters in the novel, often being looked down upon, or talked badly about. She is the only woman on the ranch, and who appears consistently throughout the novel. At one point, some of the workers are†¦show more content†¦Candy is afraid of being judged for his age, and is worried of how he’ll live once he can’t work anymore. â€Å"But I’ll be on our own place, an’ I’ll be let to work on our own place.†Candy is asking George to let him work at their future ranch, because it will be easier for him to work there, since he can do the jobs he knows he cant still do and work at his own pace without the constant threat of being fired looming over his head. Candy is being judged for his age, and knows that soon, he’ll be fired, only because the boss might feel hat Candy isn’t young enough to work there with the energy needed. Candy is having trouble keeping a job due to his age, and knows he probably won’t be able to find another one, because no one will accept a worker his age. Crooks is the only black man on the ranch, and is often discriminated against by all the other workers at the ranch. He is usually excluded from many activities that all the other men participate in, and is ignored by most of the workers. â€Å"I ain’t wanted in the bunk house†¦cause I’m black†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This quote shows how the other men who w ork at the ranch reject and isolate Crooks, and how he is forced to have his own bunk house, since he isn’t allowed to reside in the same bunk house as the other workers. Crooks leads a harsh, lonely life, only because theShow MoreRelated Discrimination in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay example812 Words  | 4 PagesIn the literary work Of Mice and Men, the reader is introduced to the ranch as a world of its own, within which prejudice plays a significant part. The characters in this novel act as a community in a world of their own, having no connections to any other type of society. A strong point, enforced through many examples in the book, is the constant ability of the stronger to overcome the weaker. The prejudices of the majority towards the minority, at the ranch are the white-males, who retain powerRead MoreWhat Do We Learn About Crooks in Chapter 4 of â€Å"of Mice and Men1422 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Do We Learn About Crooks in Chapter 4 of â€Å"Of Mice an d Men†? This essay will uncover information about the â€Å"Negro Stable Buck†, named Crooks in of Mice and Men. The essay will analyze information regarding crooks, in link to themes such as the unattainable American dream, themes of racial discrimination , as well as themes such as loneliness and isolation. An understanding of the character of Crooks requires an understanding of the status of black people in the West during the time of when theRead MoreThe Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay870 Words  | 4 PagesThe Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is set in the farmlands of Salinas Valley in California during the 1930’s. At this time there was a world wide depression caused by the Wall Street crash in America. John Steinbeck was born and brought up in Salinas California, he had lived and experienced a life of a migrant worker and that is what inspired him to write this novel (novella?). This meant he could paint a lot Read MoreOf Mice and Men Intolerance Essay842 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Of Mice And Men : Intolerance Essay Societies that discriminate against the weak are unjust. In the novel Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, many characters are unfairly oppressed. Society treats Curley s Wife poorly because she is a woman, Crooks because he is black and Lennie because he is disabled. In the end, intolerance leads to tragedy for each one of them. The character of Crooks is a victim of intolerance and discrimination throughout the novel. Society takes advantage of Crooks andRead MoreEssay The Use Animals to Show the Main Themes in Of Mice and Men1399 Words  | 6 PagesHow does Steinbeck use animals to show the main themes in Of Mice and Men? This story is about two men (George and Lennie) and their desperate hope in that they will raise enough money so that they can purchase a plot of land and â€Å"live of the fatta the land†. In this essay I will discuss how Steinbeck uses animals to show the themes of, friendship/loneliness, anger/violence, cruelty/kindness and dreams. The main points that I will be discussing are, how Lennie connects with animals, how Read MoreOf Mice and Men - George Orwell765 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Power is a kind of self-belief, a feeling of self worth†Write an essay in which you discuss this statement in relation to Of Mice and Men. The novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, portrays many characters that have no power within society. Various elements contribute to this sense of powerlessness, such as race, poverty and gender. However, all the characters employ different methods to empower themselves within society and create a sense of self-worth. Having a dream can help you escape from realityRead MoreGender Discrimination Essay1312 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Rachel Reynolds Mrs. Geaman Soph. English 1 21 March 2014 Argumentation Essay We live in a society today that says we do not discriminate, that we learned from the past and are above that now. It is heavily taught in schools at a young age that discrimination was a thing of the past, that no one will be treated differently because of who they are. Some preach this idea so fiercely, yet there are untold numbers of circumstances in which people of all kinds are set apart and alienated from othersRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1433 Words  | 6 Pagesliterary essay on the novella, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I will be responding to the question describe an important character and explain how the character helped you understand an important message. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, two characters, Crooks and Curley’s wife, help me understand the message ‘Discrimination isolates people’. The book takes place in Soledad, California, mid 1930’s, during the Great Depression, at a time when discrimination of skin colourRead MoreWhat Do You Learn About Steinbeck‚Äà ´s View of Human Nature from Reading His Novel ‚Äà ²of Mice and Men‚Äà ´1242 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay is about how John Steinbeck represents human nature and the nice and unfavourable qualities people had during the American depression in the 1930s where the story ‘Of Mice and Men’ took place. The story shows the way different people will react diversely to various situations. In this case, living with the trouble of having to travel to faraway places to search for jobs. It shows how some people can behave overly difficult while others can be calm, friendly and easy t o live with. The manyRead MoreThe Effects Of Racial Discrimination On Society1820 Words  | 8 Pagesexperiences. This means that prejudice and discrimination can cause a person to feel trapped and imprisoned in their own life. When you judge someone on the basis of something that isn’t their fault it’s called prejudice. Prejudice is usually polarised; this means that people victimise others that appear opposite to themselves. For example, different races tend to victimise each other. Insecurity is going to be a key theme in this essay, due to the fact that discrimination can affect someone’s personal stability
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Why You Shouldnt Copy Research Papers For Your Resume
<h1>Why You Shouldn't Copy Research Papers For Your Resume</h1><p>If you need to present your examination paper to an APA, at that point you have to know the distinction between an exploration paper and an exposition. On the off chance that you need to turn into a decent APA essayist, at that point you have to find out about the contrasts between these two kinds of papers.</p><p></p><p>A examine paper is really a proposal articulation. This theory will show how you have made a cautious investigation of the topic of the paper. It will likewise demonstrate whether you will adhere to the guidelines of the APA. To turn into a decent essayist of this sort of paper, you should as a matter of first importance get your proposition proclamation composed and afterward you should then proceed to compose a draft of the paper.</p><p></p><p>A thesis is the second kind of paper that you should finish before you can present your explo ration paper to the APA. There are numerous principles and guidelines that administer a paper. Simply after you have breezed through all the assessments and afterward simply after you have caused your last to alter to your exposition would you be able to submit it to the APA.</p><p></p><p>As an understudy, you will regularly be approached to shield your theory or even compose an article which is basically a depiction of such occasions or events that happened in your proposition. So as an understudy you ought to consistently ensure that your thesis is decidedly ready and composed before you submit it to the APA.</p><p></p><p>In request to make a decent research paper, you ought to consistently keep your perusers intrigued by not composing an exploration paper that will exhaust them. When composing an exposition, you ought to consistently ensure that your thesis centers around a significant part of the theme that you are composing about. </p><p></p><p>The peruser ought to likewise have the option to peruse your paper with no challenges by any stretch of the imagination. This implies you should ensure that your paper is of a decent norm. Your examination ought to likewise be unique and not duplicated from another person's work. So as to make an exploration paper, you ought to consistently take the assistance of expert authors, however you ought to never duplicate something that has been distributed. Truth be told, on the off chance that your exposition isn't unique, at that point you probably won't get your paper published.</p><p></p><p>All these things should direct you in deciding if you need to present your examination paper to the APA or not. As an understudy, you ought to consistently attempt to give a valiant effort to compose a decent research paper for your APA papers. Be that as it may, you ought to never counterfeit or duplicate other's work for your own work. </p>
The Secret of Writing an Essay Meme Word Count That Nobody Is Talking About
<h1> The Secret of Writing an Essay Meme Word Count That Nobody Is Talking About </h1> <p>If you're composing an article that has a base page consider a substitute for a base word check, the previously mentioned proposals will work, however you need somewhat more squirm room too. Along these lines, when you haven't included a few yet, fitting references from experts inside the field may be a perfect way to deal with including the necessary word include and improving the substance meanwhile,. At times rather loads of pages is given. The perfect words and equivalent words including collocations will expand your score. </p> <p>Clearly, you are needing a PC. A superb console (like the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic console) is similarly an extraordinary venture. You must pick documents one at a second. </p> <p>Consequently, raising the term check is certainly not a difficult employment, however you have to likewise consider content changes that may happen with it. An affirmations office will in all likelihood utilize one of two or three procedures to tally words. You generally should make a decent attempt as conceivable not to surpass as far as possible. Besides, procuring a cutoff is a way to ensure that you pick the most significant bits. </p> <h2> Facts, Fiction and Writing an Essay Meme Word Count</h2> <p>So at whatever point you are composing an exposition, you're bridling the total may of culture to your life. Our journalists will be sure you are totally satisfied with the last form. In this manner, on the off chance that you figure out how to think, through composition, at that point you will build up an efficient, effective psyche and one which is all around established and certain. It's right that in scholastic composition, you're emphatically enco uraged to forestall any enthusiastic language. </p> <p>As you make a layout of your article, ensure that you get a smart thought of how much proof, detail and argumentation will be expected to help your postulation. Equivalent to the cushion, it really is a path how to add words to a paper, yet not the sort that may permit it to be an energizing peruse or get you a pleasant evaluation at school. Research furthermore If you don't comprehend what else to put in your article and the best approach to make a paper longer word check, the most sensible point to do is to scan for more data that you can put there. Regardless of whether it's a difficult arrangement paper or a 1000 word exposition, it will be composed without any preparation inside the assigned cutoff time. </p> <p>Dealing with the term mean your school exposition can be muddled. An incredible paper point is one which investigates approaches to genuinely feel pleased with yourself. A top article will have exceptionally clear and efficient structure. Top-grade expositions are likewise clear with respect to the importance of what's composed. </p> <p>Derrida is to a great extent credited with the idea of deconstruction. Skim by means of your article searching for wherever you've utilized a guide to gain a point. In most of cases, you should be in a situation to introduce additional models which is probably going to make your paper more grounded by indicating your cognizance of the theme while simultaneously expanding the term tally. </p> <h2> Writing an Essay Meme Word Count - Dead or Alive?</h2> <p>Some books focus on the alternative of the reasonable word, others on different highlights of style. Indisputably the most supportive journalists compose ev ery day, in any event a piece. There's a craftsmanship to influential composition and heaps of individuals seem to battle to ace it. </p> <p>Most formal letters aren't extremely long. For specialized subtleties, you may require an unrivaled word reference. Composing an official letter might be a hard undertaking for a learner however once you get the proper organization, it will be simple later on. It is simple once you become familiar with the best possible organization. </p> <h2> Writing an Essay Meme Word Count Secrets That No One Else Knows About </h2> <p>Others will require a mess of research. Each purpose of legitimacy ought to be defended. You will likewise observe that even on a day where fixation is hard, you will regardless be in a situation to do some beneficial writing on the off chance that you stick it out. In any case, keeping in touch with length is believed to be an attractive aptitude. </p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Of Education And The Problem Of The Nation
History in Schools and the Problem of â€Å"The Nation†is a peer review journal article based on the history of educational institutions and errors of educators both past and present. Terry Haydn wrote this journal; Haydn is a professor of Education at the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia. This article was published in December of 2012 while at the University in Norwich, UK. This peer review article examines the popularity of a form of school history. This notion is based mainly on the idea that the communication of a progressive narrative about the country’s past will teach the young students a sense of loyalty to the state or nationalism. This theory implies that students will respect and uphold national†¦show more content†¦Haydn believes that through understanding and truth no agenda setting should exist in education. This history of education borrows principals from ethics as well. In our text, ethical standards and the attributes of the academic institutions that uphold and abide by them are key. Our text â€Å"Teachers, school, and society†states that societal views often shape school curriculum, Haydn would agree. In his research, Haydn shows how England employs traditional model of school history on every level of education. It wasn’t until 1991 when England moved away from such practices. But here in the United States of America one can say we are still promoting and often encourage the traditional model of history in schools. A perfect example is school’s curriculum of historical eras such as slavery and the discovery of America. Schools often leave out the facts. Genocide is a word that is almost often never used. But American history begins with the genocide of the natives. The narrative in schools nationwide is not that. Children are given the picture of Christopher Columbus and the natives sharing a wonderful Thanksgiving. But in reality, Columbus rapped and pillaged as settlers took over the Americas. Haydn suggests academic institutions should move away fromShow MoreRelatedCultural Crimes : Home Invasion And Identity Theft1213 Words  | 5 Pagesrelationship throughout history. The knowledge of behaviours and conduct of historical Aboriginal and European settler relations is esse ntial to a contemporary analysis of current cultural genocide and identity theft. Historical colonial practices and attitudes deeply contribute to a severe loss of identity and livelihood for Aboriginal Canadians. These learned behaviours by non-Aborigines massively impact the weight of unacknowledged social and political issues. The resolution of these problems and de-colonizationRead MoreThe Development Goals Of The United Nations1392 Words  | 6 Pages The United Nations was created after World War II, on October 24, 1945. It was created to provide an international council that would promote peace between countries. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My Biography free essay sample
E-MAIL ADDRESS: [emailprotected] com To whom it may concern, Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a University of Nairobi graduate, born, raised and schooled in Kenya. I have worked In 2 NGOs in the last 3 years. (The first was as a volunteer in the ICL ABC Project Abstinence, Being Faithful and Condom as a Peer Education Supervisor). This has been with adolescents, fellow youth in institutions of higher learning and urban slums (Dandora and Mathare). As a result I have acquired modest but valuable skills on project management (Monitoring and Evaluation). I am creative, innovative and eachable. I am familiar with the BCC model and development of EC materials. I am available to start right away. I worked with I Choose life Africa, a leading NGO involved in Peer Education as a project officer in the High School Project and as a result I worked with the Ministry Of Education in Carrying out a survey (on Sexual reproductive Health) with the aim of enriching the high School Curriculum among other duties. We will write a custom essay sample on My Biography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a student I volunteered for over two years with ICL in organizing and supervising Behavior change interventions at the University of Nairobi. I gained experience in working with adult and youth behavior change methodologies and their application to HIV/AIDS. I have conducted numerous trainings on Life Skills in peer education. I was also in charge of the Leadership and governance project which I helped design. In this project, the peer educators we train give back to their communities by training their fellow youth, carrying out outreach and thematic events. Last year, I helped the students prepare a memorandum to the Committee of Experts on constitutional affairs. This was given to Mr. Bobby Mkangi during one of our leadership and governance forums. I was part of the team that developed a website dubbed Chuo which is aimed at connecting youth to various opportunities and information provision. I belonged to the Customer perspective and proposals teams. I have acquired skills in project design, implementation and Monitoring and evaluation. Working with you will be very beneficial to me. This will be a new challenge and a great opportunity for me to learn, share, input and grow. Looking forward to working with you. Yours faithfully,
Employee Motivation and Retention Strategies -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theEmployee Motivation and Retention Strategies at Microsoft. Answer: Introduction Retention and motivation of the employees are the two most vital aspects of any organisational human resource management as it only reflects the organisational productivity and the efficiency of the employees. The organisations are required to have those strategies that can build the morale and motivation of the workforce and help in retaining them in the organisation. Increased level ofmotivation influences an employee to work in a positive and efficient manner and rapidly attain the desired goals of the organisation. the organisation oppose to this have ineffective strategies regarding the motivation and retention of the employee face number of challenges as well as financial issues in the market too. It also make challenging for the organisations to retain the competent and skilled workforce (ALDamoe, Yazam and Ahmid, 2012). Therefore, for attaining a competitive advantage it is essential to have a motivated workforce in the organisation. Presently there are several organisations that are striving hard to take sue of effective strategies for retaining and motivating the organisational workforce. To motivate the employees there are diverse set of approaches for yielding the best talent from the market. The key factor in the strategies is remuneration of the employees and communication for making them assure that they are paid adequate compensation as well as for having an improved workplace environment with effective team building. There are various other strategies too for motivating the employees that comprises of performance appraisal, training, rewards and recognition, etc. (Abdullah, Ahsan and Alam, 2009). These strategies play vital role in retaining and motivating the workforce. It is also important for the companies to comprehend the significance of possessing a workforce which is highly motivated. There is also a viewpoint that implementing the motivation strategies is a waste of resources and cost but on the contrary, all the motivation strategies a re not expensive and the small organisations can even implement them in an affordable manner. In this paper, the key focus will be on the motivation and retention strategies of Microsoft Corporation, the issues faced by the company and the respective strategies to overcome the same. HRM and Organisational culture at Microsoft Microsoft was grounded in the year 1975 and presently is the leader of the technology industry with its continuous expansion and growth. The key success of Microsoft was recognized in the year 1980 when it had an association with the most one of the successful organisations of that time, IBM. Microsoft used to work on developing the operating system that was about to launch by IBM. Microsoft gained continuous success with its innovative software and technologies and gained extreme level of specialisation in the operating system. Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft had a huge attention on the organisational culture and the satisfaction of the employees. In present time, Microsoft is one of the top most companies where the employees want to work and the retention rate is also extremely high. There is a strong development of teams which works in team for the higher productivity and success of the organisation. The organisation possesses a strong and robust organisational culture which help s in motivating the employees and delivering the most potential outcomes (Chakraborty, 2010). All such aspects helped Microsoft in recognizing as a leader in the technological industry and producing the most innovative operating systems. All these factors support in enhancing the performance of the employees as well as productivity and growth of the company. The company is also recognized as the employer that has the most effective and efficient retention and motivation strategies. The strengthening and powerful organisational culture of Microsoft helps in fetching the interest of competent employees. The motivated employees used to work hard for the accomplishment of the organisational goals which offered a number of competitive and financial benefits to the organisation. Till the period of late 1990s only the organisational culture of retention And motivation was acknowledged but later to this, the organisation started experiencing a number of human resource issues that weakens th e comap0ny in number of ways. But with the rapid growth and success, Microsoft neglected the organisational culture development and there were more efforts for attaining profits rather than satisfaction of the employees. The research and development activities were acquiring huge funding for serving the customers with most suitable and innovative products. In order to dominate the hardware and the computer software industry and to reap all the competitive benefits, Microsoft did not realise the pressure it was imposing g on its employees. There were taking place activities such as changing in the organisational culture, restructuring of the practices of human resource, cut down of the various programs, etc. All these factors laid down a direct impact on the performance, productivity and profitability of the organisation as the employees stared feeling de-motivated (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). Issues related to retention and motivation of the workforce at Microsoft Discrimination The issue of discrimination was realized when some of the Black African American have raised their voice against the unfair practices taking place in the organisation. There were filed some law suits against the organisation against the management practices of Microsoft (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). They mentioned that they were offered comparatively less wages, compensations and incentives which were offered to the American employees. In the performance assessment, these people were ranked low so that they do not get promotions and bonuses which were marked as an inequitable practice of the management (Sandhya and Kumar, 2011). There was immediate termination of the Black Americans without any prior notification or appropriate justification given to them as well as they were replaced with the contractual workers. There was a hundred percent non-tolerance policy which was used to followed by the organisation but such activities was the result of incompliance of the practice in an ad equate manner. And thus, there tool place a number of racial discrimination issues that de-motivated the staff and there occurred high turnover rates and dissatisfaction at workplace (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Hiring Issues Because of the continuously growing pressure and the unfair practices, a group of competent as well as tenured employees left the organisation and this was one of the most challenging aspects for the HR department of Microsoft to find their replacements. Due to a completely disorganised state of the Microsofts organisational culture, there was squat number of competent employees who were found interested in working at Microsoft. Although, the company was providing a great opportunity for the career development and bonuses but because of getting sidelined or blended in such a disturbed organisational culture, potential candidates do not wanted to being employed in Microsoft. This resulted in intense hiring issues at the organisation which leads to increased number of issues related to motivation and retention of the existing employees. Strict and tough leadership Microsoft was well known for the strict and tough leadership it followed for managing its employees as the organisation wanted to have excellent outcomes and productivity with upsurge level of efficiency, for recognizing as the leader in the industry. Due to high level of perfectionist organisational culture, Microsoft tends to pose huge penalties on its workers for any kind of fault or mistake (Samuel and Chipunza, 2009). There was no consideration regarding the personal life of the employees or no emphasis on the work-life balance practice rather the employees were forced and pressurized to have their complete concentration on the efficiency of the task. Thus, fulfilling of workplace responsibilities was becoming an obligation more than a responsibility. There was a complete questioning which took place for getting g justification for the actions taken by the employees for their work (Monsen and Wayne Boss, 2009). There was passed positive as well as negative feedbacks to the workf orce as well as it was asked to employees to not to celebrate their success and rather must pay more attention for achieving more improved performance and efficiency in their work. The employees who were found performing not much well were threatened to be terminated. Thus, all such factors changed the organisational culture and the staff remained highly de-motivated. All such aspect and strict leadership resulted in increased turnover rate and dissatisfaction of the employees (Baloch, 2009). Surge in attrition rates Because of the increased level of pressure and work load, no importance to the work-life balance of the employees, discrimination issues, the deteriorated culture of the organisation and ineffective human resource management at Microsoft, the existing employees started feeling distressed and de-motivated which forces them to leave the organisation (Mendes and Stander, 2011). Because of the lesser priorities to the satisfaction of the employees, most of the competent employees left the organization. Such situation posed a negative e impact on the remaining employees and thus they also switch the organization. Thus, managing the attrition rate was challenging for the organisation which ultimately resulted in high level of retention and motivation issues at the workplace (Beecham, et al., 2008). Lack of competition As Microsoft became the leader in the technology sector, there was no other organisation or company that can give competition to Microsoft. Because of rapid expansion, being a perfectionist and the most successful organisation, there was no threat of market competition. And this became one of the most important factors in weakening of the organization culture as Microsoft paid no attention to the employees (Manzoor, 2012). The workforce wanted some change in their work to have a relaxing working environment but due to being a company serving its customer with best quality, there was no relaxation to the employees as well as no efforts was made to impress the employees as Microsoft was already reaping the benefits of success. The organisational culture was linked with the desire for growth and success of the organisation and as a result some of the employees left the organisation to escape from the long process of perfection. They were in a search of some relaxing and new environment and thus it resulted in de-motivated staff and increased turnover rate of the employees (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Bureaucracy Due to increased level of global expansion, there was a need to have mote number of employees and for managing those newly recruits as well as high number of workforces, the company take use of bureaucratic management style. Instead of improving the process of recruitment and recruiting only the competent employees, the organisation had a large incompetent workforce and managed it through bureaucratic style of management (Kyndt, etv al., 2009). The employees who were tenured and experienced were used to get promoted and there were very less benefits offered to the newly recruited employees. And because of extreme level of bureaucracy, there were number of employees who left the organisation which resulted in retention issues and existence of de-motivated staff in Microsoft (Carleton, 2011). Solution to the issues of employee retention and motivation Improvement in the lines of Communication To overcome such issues, the CEO Ballmer trued to have improvements in the lines of communication among the executive of HR department and the organisational workforce for assuring that there is addressing, identification and satisfaction of the employees sentiments, demands and needs. He ensured that there is a strong and smooth flow of communication among all the departments as well as the grass root employees so that the issues can be resolved on an instant basis and no employee left the organisation due to in-adherence of their grievances or issues (Jiang, et al., 2012). Such strategy or initiative helped the organisation in a deeper sense as there was increased level of motivation of the employees as well as the turnover rate of the employees also experienced a sudden decline. With increasing effectiveness of the organisational human resource department, there was faster resolution of the grievances and issues of the workforce which developed a strong organisational culture and a motivated workforce (Chiboiwa, Samuel and Chipunza, 2010). Improvement in the Compensation System and Performance Appraisal System The next strategy or solution the increasing issues of motivation and retention was improvement in the compensation system and the performance appraisal system. In Microsoft, it was analyzed that there was a system of forced ranking where the tenured employees were rewarded and given high level of compensation in comparison with the new recruiters. There was an extreme level of biasness that took place in analyzing the performance of the employees, rewarding them as well as in giving those incentives (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). To offer an equal opportunity to all the employees, there was initiated an improved compensation system and the performance appraisal system. The effective performance system was based on offering compensations and incentives to the actual performers with no biasness in decision making. The one who performs well gets a reward and promotion including the Black African Americans. This resulted in elimination of the racial discrimination issues and also the er adication of the unfair practices. All such initiatives of the organisation resulted increased and upsurge level of motivation among the workforce. They used to work harder to attain benefits and there occurred improved organisational culture and long term association of the employees with the organisation (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). Upsurge in Employee Benefits To resolve the issues and conflicts in respect with the squat employee benefits and cut down of the various programs, there were several changes that were adopted by Ballmer in order to offer high employee benefits to the organisational workforce (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). There were a number of benefits including various health benefits, discounts, child care benefits, insurance benefits, free of cost eatables and many other benefits. Such benefits were offered to the employees to encourage them to stay in the organisation and to work hard with increased level of motivation (James and Mathew, 2012). The employees felt a great experience by getting all such benefits while working at Microsoft. The salaries of the employees were integrated with these employee benefits and there was seen an increased level of motivation and commitment towards the work. It was considered as a perfect and practical resolution to the increasing number of issues in the organisation for both in fetching the attention of the competent employees and to retain the existing workforce. It helped in changing the minds of the workforce towards the brand image of Microsoft and once this was been implemented, there was a much contended and satisfied workforce. The benefits provided to the employees might be small in nature but the overall impact which was posed by these initiatives and benefits was huge as it helped in gaining a lost confidence once again in the organisational workforce to work hard for the accomplishment of the goals and objectives (Deery, 2008). Workplace Set Ups The one more important and significant strategy for overcoming the challenges of decreased rate of motivation and retention of the employees was setting up of new workplaces. For addressing the human resource issues, this was considered as a vital step as Microsoft restructured itself by having a more creative, innovative and redesigned workplaces for the employees so that they can be encouraged to have more communication with their colleagues and team members (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). There were formation of clusters and with the effective flow of communication, there was team building which eradicates the issues of cultural diversity as well as a more informal and satisfactory working environment take place in the organisation (Islam and Zaki Hj. Ismail, 2008). The employees used to get increased level of cooperation from other employees as well as from the human resource managers. The change in the workplace set up motivated the employees as they feel valued. There were some views that these changes are irrelevant as well as considered as wastage of the funds and resources but when Microsoft analyzed the overall results, it was fond that there was a key role in the increased productivity and motivation of the employees of the redesigning of the workplace set ups. Hence it was realized that it is one of the most effective solution for retaining the employees as well as to boost their morale to work hard (Hong, et al., 2012). Conclusion and Recommendations From the case analysis as well as the various issues faced by Microsoft in retaining and motivating the workforce, it can be concluded that Microsoft was required to have increased emphasis on developing the organizational culture as employee-centric rather than profit-centric. The key reason behind the increased turnover rate of the tenured and competent employees was the deteriorated organisational culture and a feeling of being not required. The employees felt that they are over pressurized to deliver improved output with high level of efficiency as well as they have no career opportunity left with them while associating with Microsoft. It is also started that employee retention and the employee motivation are those two aspects that can impact all other functions of any organisation and so there is an extensive need that the human resource department must keep a strict eye on both these factors. In case of Microsoft as well as any other company, it is true that a motivated group o f employees will offer high productivity and efficiency to the organisation in comparison with an organisation with de-motivated employee group. The employees who possess increased level of motivation are more productive and are much beneficial for an organisation as they maintain a good balance in their professional and personal lives. Therefore, to have continuous growth and profit, the organisations must strive hard foe satisfying their employees and assuring that their needs are met in an effective manner. It is also recommended to Microsoft that it can take use of strategies such as by providing the employees with sound training so that there can be gained professional development as well as the personal development of the workforce. Secondly, Microsoft can also implement is mellowing down the culture of perfection so that the intense pressure can be reduced and the employees can work freely (Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010). References Abdullah, Z., Ahsan, N., Alam, S. S. (2009). The effect of human resource management practices on business performance among private companies in Malaysia.International Journal of Business and Management,4(6), 65. ALDamoe, F. M. A., Yazam, M., Ahmid, K. B. (2012). The mediating effect of HRM outcomes (employee retention) on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance.International Journal of Human Resource Studies,2(1), 75. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Baloch, Q. B. (2009). Effects of job satisfaction on employees motivation turn over intentions.Journal of Managerial Sciences,2(1), 1-21. Beecham, S., Baddoo, N., Hall, T., Robinson, H., Sharp, H. (2008). 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